Click here for the English version
熊本市防災情報ポータル https://city-kumamoto.my.salesforce-sites.com/
熊本市の避難情報の発令情報など (他の言語表示に切り替え可能)
? 熊本地方気象台 https://www.jma-net.go.jp/kumamoto/
? 気象庁 https://www.jma.go.jp/jma/index.html (日本語サイト)
https://www.jma.go.jp/jma/kokusai/multi.html (Multilingual site)
? 日本気象協会 https://tenki.jp/ (『熊本市警報履歴』で検索でも可)
? 熊本河川国道事務所 http://www.qsr.mlit.go.jp/kumamoto/index.html
? 熊本市河川等監視システム https://city-kumamoto-pub.e-monitor.jp/city-kumamoto/
熊本市内の河川?道路のライブカメラ (他の言語表示に切り替え可能)
Information on Class Cancellation due to Evacuation Information, etc.
During the summer break
Handling of classes in the event of an emergency
?In order to ensure the safety of students, classes will be handled in accordance with the "Agreement on the Handling of Classes in the Event of an Emergency" as follows.
Click here for details of the "Agreement on the Handling of Classes in the Event of an Emergency
Click here for Q&A regarding the "Agreement on the Handling of Classes in the Event of an Emergency
?Targeted Classes
Face-to-face classes
Real-time (simultaneous interactive) distance learning
?Evacuation information to be covered
Evacuation Instructions (for evacuation orders (landslide disaster), only when Chuo Ward is included), "Emergency Safety Assurance Emergency safety", "Emergency safety assurance", "Special storm warning ", "Heavy rain special warning", "Snow storm special warning", "Heavy snow special warning", "Wind storm warning“
Class Cancellation due to Evacuation Information, etc.
When evacuation information is issued for Kumamoto City (evacuation orders (landslide disaster) are limited to cases where Chuo Ward is included), the following measures will be taken to cancel classes.
In the event that the information is issued after classes have started, the classes will continue. However, for the safety of students, classes may be cancelled immediately.
Even in the case that the order is issued after classes have started, classes may be held from the next period onward if the dean and others deem it appropriate to keep students in the facility to maintain their safety when leaving the university.
?Handling of students who are tardy or absent
In the following cases, based on the student's request, the student will not be treated as tardy or absent.
(Including early dismissal; the same shall apply hereinafter)
(1) When safety is a priority
When there is no evacuation information issued for Kumamoto City, but the student is unavoidably late for or absent from class because he/she cannot be sure of safety when traveling to or from campus due to the situation such as evacuation information being issued for the student's residence or commuting route to university.
(2) When public transportation is suspended or affected by other factors
When a student is unavoidably late for or absent from class due to suspension of public transportation or other unavoidable reasons when classes are held during inclement weather, regardless of whether or not a special warning or evacuation information has been issued.
?How to inform students and faculty members of class cancellations
Students, faculty and staff will be notified of the cancellation of classes via the Kumamoto University website and other means.
However, in the absence of such notification, students should check the latest information from the JMA, Kumamoto City Disaster Prevention Information Portal, etc., and decide for themselves whether or not classes will be cancelled based on the above "Measures to be taken when classes are cancelled due to evacuation information, etc." and prioritize safety in their own actions, taking into consideration "Treatment of students who are late or absent".
In the event that the cancellation is announced after classes have started, the dean or other appropriate person will make the decision to hold classes from the next period onward, and each faculty or department will make this known to all students.
?Educational Practicum, etc.
For educational training, hospital training, etc., students should follow the instructions of their respective training sites.
?Links to sites related to evacuation information, etc.
?Kumamoto City Disaster Prevention Information Portal
Information on Kumamoto City's issued evacuation information, etc. (Can be switched to other language displays.)
Please judge by the time of the announcement. Announcement times may be delayed.
?Kumamoto District Meteorological Observatory
Information on warnings and weather in Kumamoto area.
?Japan Meteorological Agency
https://www.jma.go.jp/jma/kokusai/multi.html (Multilingual site)
Information on nationwide warnings and weather conditions.
?Japan Weather Association
https://tenki.jp/ (You can also search for "熊本市警報履歴")
In addition to nationwide weather information, you can also check the lifting time of warnings.
The Japan Meteorological Agency's website does not allow you to check the lifting time when the information is updated, so please use this website to check the lifting time.
How to check the release time: Click here to see the view when checking with a smartphone, a PC.
?Kumamoto Office of Rivers and National Highways
Shirakawa live camera, etc.
?Kumamoto City River Monitoring System
Live cameras on rivers and roads in Kumamoto City (switchable to other languages)
Click here for the Agreement on the handling of classes in the event of an emergency disaster.
?Q&A regarding the Agreement
Click here for Q&A